… Scottish Wildcat Action is a partnership project that unites leading experts from over 20 key organisations. You can see wildcats all year round at organised centres but in the wild the best time to try and catch sight of them is during the mating season (January to March) when they are most active. Following the decreasing numbe… Designed by Glen Allardyce, the sales of this tartan are intended to benefit habitat preservation and conservation efforts. Given that wildcats live in some of the most remote parts of Scotland, are beautifully camouflaged and are timid, solitary and mostly nocturnal, it is no surprise that very few people have seen them in the wild. Urgent action is needed to save our wildcats. To prevent the final disappearance of the wildcat from Scotland, Scottish Wildcat Action (SWA) is imple- We depend entirely on the support of people like you. Scottish wildcats are one of our rarest mammals. Search and contribute to our comprehensive list of factsheets - curated by experts working in the field. At first glance, Scottish wildcats (Felis silvestris grampia) may look similar to a pet cat, but on closer observation there are differences. With this in mind, it is extremely unlikely that most people will ever see a genuine Scottish wildcat in the wild. Although closely related, it is not the ancestor of the domestic cat, Felis catus, which originated from the Middle Eastern wildcat, Felis silvestris lybica, at … Read more. The popular press is often full of stories of mystical felines prowling the countryside, attacking livestock and pets but the true wildcat is something different. The Scottish wildcat has been present in Britain since the early Holocene, when the British Isles were connected to continental Europe via the Doggerland. Hybridisation is considered the major threat to the survival of the wildcat in Scotland and recent data suggest that this threat is accelerating. Wildcats are under threat from habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation. PRESS RELEASE Highland Titles have announced the creation of the first wildcat rescue facility in Scotland. The wildcat or its hybrid is the likely inspiration of the mythological Scottish creature, Cat sìth, which is a spectral cat that haunts the Scottish Highlands. Scottish Wildcat Action used 347 trail cameras in the Scottish Highlands to find wildcats. Conservation efforts are hampered by limited information on the distribution of these three cat types and the spatial variation in hybridization risk. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. If you have seen a wildcat, a feral domestic cat or a hybrid (a cat with mixed wildcat and domestic cat ancestry), please let us know. Wildcat Haven is the only conservation project dedicated to saving Scottish wildcats in the wild. The gift reci Donate with a one time donation, a recurring donation or adopt a Wildcat. Adopting a Scottish Wildcat makes a unique gift for others. Could this be the lifeline for the species? It is supported by the Scottish Government and Heritage Lottery Fund. A combination of hunting and habitat loss meant they disappeared from England and Wales close to 200 years ago. Scottish wildcats look like larger, more muscular versions of the domestic tabby cat; they have a club-like tail and a thick-set body. The Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris) is one of our most elusive carnivores and the only native member of the cat family still found in the wild in Britain. Habitat Restoration REWILDING THE HIGHLANDS REFORESTATION. 11. Length: 56cm plus a tail of 29cm; Weight: 3-7kg Wildcats and domestic cats can hybridise and this is now the greatest threat to the gene pool of the Scottish wildcat. The Scottish wildcat is Britain’s only native felid and once widespread across Britain, the wildcat is now restricted to northern Scotland owing to a variety of factors including habitat loss, persecution and hybridization with the domestic cat. Without intervention, this pattern could repeat itself in Scotland, rendering the wildcat locally extinct in Britain. Above: Scottish wildcat on display in the Survival gallery at National Museum of Scotland. The Wild Cat (Felis silvestris) is Britain’s only wild member of the cat family and bears a close resemblance to the domestic tabby cat. It was once common throughout all of Great Britain. They are covered in dark brown stripes and possess a thick tail with a blunt end. This particular behaviour distinguishes the Scottish Wildcat from the mainland European population of wildcats, which tend to be forest specialists. There are now two types of small cat on the British mainland. The wildcat would have once been found throughout mainland Britain. Cats arrive. Size: Considerable variation with habitat; 48-98cm (1.5-3.2 ft.) head and body length with 21-39cm (8-15 in.) Read more. Size. Wildcats are solitary and occupy large ranges, which rarely overlap exc… In the Scottish Highlands, where approximately 400 were thought to remain in the wild in 2004, interbreedingwith feral cats is a significant threat to the wild population's distinctiveness. accidental killing by dogs, in snares or by poisoned baits, road accidents and habitat loss. Find out about Scottish wildcats, their habitats, and why they are one of the most endangered mammals in Britain. By 1915, it occurred only in northwestern Scotland. Following habitat loss and persecution through the 19th century, the wildcat is now restricted in the UK to the Scottish Highlands north of the central belt. A Scottish wildcat (Felis silvestris). Learn how to ID a wildcat from a feral cat or your domestic moggy. The edges of mountains and moorlands, where there is rough grazing and often woodland and crops. After many years of persecution and habitat loss, this subspecies is no longer present in England and Wales. A Supercat is a pet or farm cat that is neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped. The wildcat has to be one of the most elusive animals in Scotland. A very shy animal, almost entirely nocturnal and found on moorland and in woodlands. The Scottish wildcat is Britain’s last native cat species. If you own a cat and live in the Scottish Highlands please check our mogshots gallery. They sometimes scavenge, and hide prey to return to later.Young: The mating season runs from January to March and kittens are usually born in May. The Scottish wildcat is now one of the most critically endangered wild mammals native to the UK. Find out more. Now confined to the Scottish highlands, wild cats disappeared from southern England in the 16th century, with the last one recorded in northern England being shot in 1849. All rights reserved. Population number. The stories in the papers, if true, might refer to wild felines released irresponsibly into the wild by their owners after the Dangerous Wild Animals Act was passed in 1976. It is a European Protected Species, afforded legal protection under the Habitats Regulations 1994. for the benefit of the Scottish wildcat e.g. We rely on sightings from the general public to help us protect what's left of our native cat. Its ancient pines once covered a large part of the Scottish Highlands but now only a few of these woodland copses remain across the UK, and they are particularly vulnerable to grazing animals. Scottish Wildcat Action is breeding wildcats for later release. The lack of clear cut identification has resulted in …