The products falling under the category Professional Pouring Medium were specially developed for use with the acrylic flow technique. DIRECTIONS Mix one heaped tablespoon of Soft Body Acrylic with one cup of Liquitex Pouring Medium in a large bucket or bowl Use a palette knife to gently and smoothly mix the color and medium - blend gently to avoid making bubbles and let it sit for 10 minutes for any to disappear By the way, you can also combine different pouring mediums and develop your own individual recipe. The water is used solely for diluting the paints, while the glue acts to replace the binding agent that you just diluted out of the paint if you were to just add water your paints you would end up too runny. You can add Liquitex Glass Beads, Black Lava or White Flakes to create texture, or use something like Liquitex Iridescent Medium with a color or in combination with Flow Aid Additive or Pouring Medium. Beautiful work here. I prefer to use white for mine. Great question ! Flood coats are usually white or black but can be any colour you want really. Make smaller or larger batches, adjusting the ratio as necessary to achieve your desired result. The less you mix, the larger the cells will be. Aww thanks so much! Luckily, the pouring medium won’t change the paint color or even affect the drying time. Calculating just the right amount of pouring liquid you need for your canvas can be tricky. If you cover any surface with a first layer of acrylic binder and then a primer with Gesso, you can pour on almost any surface. Below you find the essential Acrylic Pouring supplies to start with: You can find the full list here: Acrylic Pouring Supplies. If you are using student grade acrylic paint you may need to add extra paint into your pouring mix to boost the color. Have fun with it! Using 1/2 Tablespoon of colour to 1/2 Cup of pouring medium is a good general guide. For what you pay for this pouring medium, you really get an exceptional product. There are a few common household items you can compare your consistency to—sometimes this can help you to visualize what your paint should look like. It also helps in the creation of cells. That’s why we have put together a starter set for you with which you can start pouring right away. Silicone - Silicone oil is used to create cells in pour painting. Black is very powerful and will often drown the rest of your painting out, use your judgement. You can use more than 3 colours, I find 3 is perfect to keep it visually interesting. Don't overheat the paint as this will cause it to crack. Floetrol By Flood. A good rule of thumb is one or two drops per fl oz of paint, the more you mix the smaller and more scattered the cells will be. Artist acrylics= Less paint, more dilution. Once you know how much to use, go ahead and add the pouring medium to all of your different colours and mix them well using a stirrer or popsicle stick. To avoid these negative consequences of dilution by water, there are special painting mediums, called Pouring Mediums in the technical jargon. ), • Canvas- I'll be using a 16inch x 20inch staple backed canvas, • White school glue mixed with water at a 1:1 ratio, • Pouring medium - I'll be using Liquitex brand (Golden GAC800 and Floetrol also work). And with the many different products, it’s twice as difficult to keep track of. This pouring effects medium by trusted brand U.S Art Supply provides a fantastic gloss finish to any fluid art painting. In fact, a lot of pour painting artists swear against the use of silicone in their art. The ratio of paint to Pouring Medium may differ slightly if you are using inks or another brand of acrylic paint (student quality acrylic paints will require more colour). Do NOT dump the Acrylic Paint, Paint Water, Pouring Medium, or Floetrol down the Drain. Otherwise, you will have negative effects and we want to avoid this at all costs. It can also be used on a range of different surfaces. (Joined this site just to leave a comment) Thank you Kylieeleanne! The advantages and disadvantages of the alternative Pouring medium: At present, there is still no long-term information on the durability of pour paintings created with these products. With MIX POUR, you can create ring pours, straight pours, wing pours, for crisp lines or cells in acrylic and fluid pouring art. Any time I'm in a big box store to buy some Floetrol I check out what's there. As such, there is currently no reason why they should not be used. Thank u! Mixing Paint and Pouring Medium . Do this for each colour. This is not about mixing in just any silicone oil, but about knowing the properties and the connections why one oil produces small cells and the other large cells – or in the worst cases hardly any cells. Each puddle is poured in the centre of the last. For the acrylic flow technique, there are numerous techniques to obtain breathtaking paintings. Wow this is such a helpful and nice instruction you have layer out! 10 months ago It’s a paint additive … Copyright 2019 by – The information source for Fluid Painting, Best Acrylic Pouring Kit – U.S ART SUPPLY Acrylic Pouring Paint Set, Pick from 8 dynamic Ready to Pour acrylic paint colors. However, it is vital to the process to conduct experiments to gain the knowledge of what are the most critical controlling factors which preside over paint pours. Polyester Resin – What is Poly Resin or Fiberglass Resin? is the biggest Website / Blog about Fluid Painting. Recently I began teaching a pour painting class as an independent contractor at my local Michaels craft store and the question that students ask that is by far the hardest to answer is, 'How much paint do I need in my cups?' We have achieved very good results with the following silicone oil: There are a variety of ways in which they can be poured. You can try using more metallics than you were original expecting to use. W… You will need to lay down a drop cloth or something else that will protect the area you'll be working on. The set includes a bottle of gloss pouring medium, as well as silicone pouring oil. Using plastic cups, combine 1 part Paint, 2 Parts Pouring Medium and 1 part Water. Depending on the choice of paint, the medium, and the additives, different effects are created. Now that you've diluted your paints, you want to go back and add pouring medium to them. Lady Gaga Cosplay - 2020 VMA's Halloween Costume. However, we can give you a method that always works: Put one part acrylic paint and one part pouring medium in a cup. You continue the whole thing until you get the desired consistency. The result is an individual work of art that can hardly be reproduced again. If you are on a budget, it doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to lose out on quality. All that is needed is to pour them straight into the mixing cup and get started. Add in 2-4 drops of liquid silicone. In addition to the professional products developed especially for this purpose, you can also use alternative pouring mediums. So cool. on Step 5. Mix 1 part Floetrol with 2 parts acrylic paint. It has the potential to create a very large mess if you do not take the proper precaution. I prefer to use both artist and craft acrylics. You don’t have to use silicone for your pourings. For my 16inx20in I will need about a half of a litre of mixed paint, you'll start getting a feel for how much once you begin mixing, don't worry you can always add more to your cup if need be. The typical ratio of Liquitex Basics to pouring medium is 1 part Liquitex to 3 parts medium (again, depending on your desired consistency). Prior to commencing a pour your will need to mix up your colours with the medium in cups or containers. I mix a high-quality artist's paint with the pouring medium in a glass by stick for about 1 minute. In this detailed article, we show you how Acrylic Pouring works, which techniques are available, and which pouring supplies you need. Most retarding mediums are actually additives (lacking acrylic binders) so follow the directions and make sure you don't use too much. It all depends on what you hope to achieve, If I want more blue in my finished piece, naturally I mix more blue. Place the canvas in a raised position so that the flowing paint does not stick to the underside. Stir the mixture thoroughly. However, it still helps to achieve brilliant effects with fluid painting. Retarding Medium Retarding medium (also called retarders) slows down the drying time of acrylic paint so that it behaves more like oil paint. Hey guys, in this Instructable I will be walking you through how to create a beautiful abstract acrylic pour painting. Basically, it improves flow and fluidity without affecting the color or drying time. 'dirty cup' or 'Flip cup' - This is when the paints are all added into one cup then the cup is flipped and lifted. This medium helps to create rich and vibrant pours. It answers a lot of questions and I had Alot of them! 'Swipe' - Pouring the paint onto the canvas in lines, then using a damp paper towel swipe over the canvas to drag the colours on top of one another. This latex paint conditioner helps to maintain and fortify the qualities of latex paint instead of just thinning it. Otherwise, the paint may flow to one side and your artwork is destroyed. Mix approximately one tablespoon of your preferred acrylic paint color with 1 cup of Liquitex pouring medium The ratio of pouring medium and acrylic paint may vary. For each colour, you will need a cup and a mixing stick. This is probably the best acrylic pouring tutorial for beginners. And these are just some of the reasons: The main components for the Acrylic Pouring are, besides the acrylic paint and a Pouring Medium, of course a painting ground. This should be sufficient time for the paint to dry or almost completely dry. First, I am squeezing flood coat all over the canvas and using my palette knife to help it to the edge. Stir it with a palette knife or wooden spatula and then let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes to avoid bubbles. Fluid but not too thick and not too watery. About: Multi faceted artist, petrol head, vinyl wrapping all the things. MIX POUR from Karpata Art is a new pouring medium for fluid art and artists creating acrylic pouring art. The Flip Cup technique is only one of many, and we have a separate tutorial for all the other pouring techniques. 2. Very well written, positive and encouraging and helped me work out where I was going wrong with a couple of my pours (I didn't use a float coat :) ). The consistency should be like liquid honey. Do you need silicone oil for acrylic pouring? If you happen to be in a hardware store check out their "Oops" paint section. The consistency must be such that it flows well but is not too thin. It helps to achieve the right consistency for creating cells and avoids cracking and crazing while drying. Have a play and see what you end up with. A flood coat helps the paint move freely around the canvas and it is a lot easier to get the paint to the edges opposed to if the canvas was dry. Give it a good shake to get the glue and water mixed. The pouring medium also helps the paint not to crack, craze, or hold bubbles when drying. I personally still like to use silicone in my paintings. I appreciate you. Before the actual pouring make sure that the painting ground is balanced and level. You should allow yourself plenty of time to mix the color. They are ready to go straight into the mix cup, and perfectly formulated to tilt, swipe, and puddle, Pouring Masters Silicone oil and Pouring Medium may also be added to adjust viscosity and create additional cells, Ready to Pour colors are formulated with a viscosity (Thickness) that is ideal for ACRYLIC POURING right out of the bottle that creates exceptional cells and Color Movement, The Pouring Medium as an important factor, Best Acrylic Pouring Medium – LIQUITEX Pouring Medium, Best Price/Performance Pouring Medium – DECOART Pouring Medium, Best Affordable Pouring Medium – U.S ART SUPPLY Pouring Effects Medium, Optimal in combination with studio acrylics and mat pub colours, Can be used alone as a brush applied gloss varnish, The Most Important Factor: The best Pouring Medium, Everything you need for your start into Paint Pouring, Included are pouring medium, silicone oil, mixing cups, mixing stick and mini paint stands, The Secret of Many, Big Cells in Your Pour Paintings, The Best Painting Grounds for Acrylic Pouring, Recommended Books for your Start into Acrylic Pouring, A very good reference and guide for the art of pour painting, It shows you step by step how to start with acrylic pouring. Then the acrylic paint adheres better and does not penetrate the substrate. Artist acrylics VS.Craft acrylics - The major differences between artist and craft acrylics is cost and pigmentation. 4. Add paint to your cup and mix in some 50/50 glue & water mixture, You're looking to get the consistency of melted ice cream, or a milkshake that has been in a hot car all day. Pre-mix paint and pouring medium in your mixing cups using 1/2 tablespoon of colour to 1/2 cup of medium as a basic ratio. You can add it to all the paints or a couple, it doesn't matter. Viscosity is the key to successful pouring. I find you can get away with 2 parts pouring medium to 3 parts paint+ water glue mix. I cannot wait to try and then post! It also helps to improve the coverage. To use: Mix enough pouring medium into your acrylic paint until you get a heavy cream like consistency. Now you can start with the actual pouring, here with the example of the Flip Cup technique: You have created your first Acrylic Pour painting, congratulations! Add to the squeeze bottle 2 parts paint +glue and water and about 1 part pouring medium, then give the bottle a shake. But keep in mind the limit is about 30% water for the total volume. These paints can be found at the dollar store, Walmart or any craft store. 1 year ago. Some of these alternative painting mediums contain components such as acid, which can cause the acrylic paints to fade over time. by acrylgiessen | Aktualisiert am 28.11.2020 | Acrylic Pouring, Most Read Articles, Tips for Beginners. However, this kit has everything you need to get started on your first pouring artwork, and it offers excellent value for money considering that you get a complete ready-to-pour set. This relatively new art form, which has its origin in the USA and is also finding more and more followers in the rest of the world, is simply brilliant. Also, many other factors can affect the durability, such as UV light and environmental influences. They cost roughly $4usd/ 2oz. This is used to thin down the medium but help keep the chemical bond of suspended pigment. 1 year ago, Why thank you ! This floetrol paint conditioner works slightly differently from specialized pouring medium. Also, drying this diluted mixture is problematic, since cracks can appear in the paint surface due to the rapid evaporation of the water. I have heard of artists using acrylic house paints, because they can be purchased in sample pots for relatively cheap. This means that you can achieve all sorts of different effects and pouring styles with just this single kit. If you choose to use silicone. They work just as well and are often a bit cheaper. Awesome tutorial! - Ampersand Gessobord - 14'' x 18'', 1/8'' Flat. Thinning Acrylic Paint – How to thin Acrylic Paint correctly. (you can use artist acrylics like Heavy body Liquitex or Craft acrylics Like Folkart, I will explain the major differences between the two below. A typical rule of thumb for medium body acrylics is 1 part paint to 3 parts pouring medium, meaning you’re using more pouring medium than you are actual acrylic paint. 5. It is based on acrylic paint, which can be brought into a liquid, pourable consistency with the addition of a Pouring Medium and other additives as required. This pouring medium needs to be mixed with a soft body acrylic color in order to help with drying. This is not so far off from the polyurethane art from Daniel Knorr I think he prices somewhere between $5k-$15k. Also, a general statement about the mixing ratio is not possible, since it depends both on the consistency of the acrylic paint, and on that of the pouring medium. You may need to buy some extra bits of equipment, like wooden sticks, paint cups, or latex gloves. Pour it on to canvas, board, … Body refers to the thickness of the paint, soft being the least thick, heavy being the thickest with almost a chunky consistency. 1 Part Pouring Medium (100 grams) ¼ part water (25 grams) Measure your ingredients on a scale, pour them into a bottle, and then shake, shake, shake until thoroughly mixed. There is always room for Improvement and always something else you can learn. Depending on the technique, this liquefied paint is then poured into each other or tilted onto the canvas and distributed by tilting the painting surface. When you start to pour, it can be a challenge to get the consistency right. Water down that 1/3rd that you took out at the start and use that too. 'Blow pour' - This method involves adding paint to the canvas then blowing it around with a straw, you can achieve stunning flowers with this method. If you've heard of acrylic pour or fluid painting, chances are you have found yourself deep inside the rabbit hole that is Youtube and Instagram pour videos. To give you an impression of how the Acrylic Pouring technique works, we give you a short introduction to the basic technique. A few things that resemble a good pouring consistency: 1. Use a cup or container of your choice, put some acrylic paint in it, and then, depending on the pouring medium used, pour in the same amount or twice as much of the pouring medium. Once you have your work area covered, You'll want to prop the canvas up. When we talk about consistency, we’re talking about the flow and texture of your paint, medium, and additive mixture. Now that the face of the canvas is covered, you can dab your fingers in the paint that has dripped off the sides, and smear it on any empty spaces on the side of the canvas, I always paint my edges, it gives a more complete look to your painting. Advantages and disadvantages of a professional acrylic medium: If you will be pursuing acrylic pouring, then a good quality pouring medium is necessary. In a disposable cup, mix together equal parts acrylic paint and floetrol. Basically, this means that it increases the paint flow while providing a high gloss finish. We always have new articles for beginners and advanced artists. Pouring medium is available in 8oz, 16oz, 32oz, and gallon sizes. This gives a result similar to the rings in a tree trunk. This technique uses a lot of paint, a lot of it drips off the edge. 3. If you want to do a monochromatic pour painting you can use 1 colour in 3 different shades. There are several methods of pouring that will give differing results. Pre-primed with acrylic gesso and ready to paint, Gessobord's fine tooth finish is delicate enough for glazing, fluid brush strokes, and tight detail, yet tough enough to hold up to rigorous palette knife painting, collage, and masking techniques. I see the similarities too :). Nice, nice, nice tutorial, thanks for sharing it with us! Worry not, because after this Instructable, you will see just how easy it is to achieve the same stunning results! Once you have those all thoroughly mixed, if you want to add silicone to your paints, this is the time. Then I place the colander on my canvas and begin pouring, alternating between colour and white. Floetrol by Flood is not technically an acrylic pouring medium. The Decoart pouring medium comes in a 16 Oz jug to make fluid painting much easier. However, the durability of your paintings might not be as good. Craft acrylics= More paint, less dilution. I used the paint from my living room and the paint from my dining room to tie the two rooms together. Tip: Stir slowly when mixing with the paint so as to avoid creating bubbles. The term 'pour painting' is in reference to the paint being poured onto the canvas. The key to success for many beautiful acrylic pouring cells is the consistency of your acrylic colors mixed with pouring medium. These pouring mediums offer you some advantages: Therefore we strongly recommend to use a professional, or alternative, Pouring Medium. Blick Premier Wood Panel - 4'' x 6'', 7/8'' Traditional Profile, Cradled, In order to protect your workplace, you should cover it with plastic sheeting, Wearing rubber gloves is also recommended, You can fill squeeze bottles with required liquids such as silicone oil and distilled water for better handling and dosing, For any paint stains or spillages, it’s worth preparing kitchen paper, Work in a room that is as well ventilated as possible, Learn to Create Dazzling Abstract Art with Acrylic Pouring, Marcy Ferro explains everything about Pouring, Learn how to create eye-catching color combos, set up a dedicated (or a paint-proof) workspace, control your pours, and much more. Mix slowly to … Until there is enough paint on the canvas for me to be able to cover the remaining blank spots by tilting the canvas. We have summarized the most important of them for you: You can find the full list with all the Pouring Techniques here: Learn how to Fluid Paint. Another is to mix in a little of another similar color or a different pouring medium. This allows you to mix colors on the support and create smooth blending effects. I havent done it personally, which Is why I didnt mention it in my tutorial. Repeat steps 1-4 for each paint color, using a separate container for each color. You can get some great buys which helps save a few bucks on a hobby that can be expensive. The addition of silicone oil creates the desired cells in the acrylic flow technique. This medium can be used in all kinds of pouring techniques and can help to achieve the perfect flowing color application. It is also possible to add water. I found this cute mini colander at the dollar store the other day and I have been wanting to try pouring paint through it since I brought it home. As a beginner, it is not so easy to distinguish between what you need and what you don’t. 5 months ago. Completely blend until smooth. As a starting point, we recommend first mixing the pouring medium and acrylic paint in equal parts and then testing the consistency. The higher the pigmentation of your painting is, the more brilliant your finished pour painting will be. Basically, you need to mix a “pouring medium” with acrylic paints. If you want to have cells in your paintings, Liquitex is a high quality and proven pouring medium, The Liquitex Pouring Medium is easy to use and dries silky shining, First-class pouring medium with ideal consistency, Preserves the brilliance of the colours optimally, Improves the flow properties of water-based paints, Matt finish, perfectly mixable with other casting media, Just use your acrylic paint with this set and get going, Blick Super Value Canvas Packs are easy on budgets and come in popular sizes, Pre-primed with three coats of acid-free acrylic gesso, Strength, stability, and perfect smoothness hardwood panels in different sizes. Now you are ready to mix the paints with the Pouring Medium. 'Puddle pour' - Puddles are poured onto the canvas alternating between colour and your white/black paint. We have therefore developed some basic recipes for you to use as a starting point: You should always first mix the acrylic paint with the pouring medium and then add water and silicone oil. To help you, we have created an Acrylic Pouring Calculator to help you out: Creating cells in your pourings is one of the main goals of most techniques. Silicone is a great additive that creates intense cells but it doesn't need to be used to achieve cells. I use Liquitex pouring medium and a bit of GAC 800. Share it with us! If you are completely new to Acrylic Pouring, you can also use a Pouring set, which includes most of the basic materials you need for your start into the Pouring technique. If the mixture still seems too viscous, add some more Acrylic Pouring Medium and mix it in again evenly. Now that you've diluted your paints, you want to go back and add pouring medium to them. It extends the paint but will not thin it out. On our blog you will find exciting tutorials, reviews and inspirations. Take a few cups, add the paint, and then the Pouring Medium. It was a pleasure to read and has got me all fired up again to do some more pouring :), Reply There are many, many ways to create a recipe for Pour Painting. If you decide to use silicone oil in your piece, please note; before any protective topcoat is applied, the silicone HAS to be 100% removed, this can be a tedious process, I have never gotten 100% of the silicone off of any of my paintings partly due to the silicone soaking into the canvas itself, residual silicone keeps the topcoat or resin from sticking to the canvas, leaving a rough patchy appearance. Water not only changes the consistency, but also the pigment density and the adhesion of the paint to the painting surface. Make smaller or larger batches, adjusting the ratio as necessary. That way you have a different reaction when the non-metallic and the metallic paints meet. Just make sure it isn’t a heavy body paint as that requires too much mixing down to get the correct consistency, and stick with acrylic based. This is … Only if this consistency fits, you will prevent the different colors from mixing too firmly and the cells from running (too liquid) and cells from forming at … Mix the colors with the Pouring Medium. The formula is also non-toxic, and won’t change the coloring or drying time. Resin – what is Poly Resin or Fiberglass Resin sharing it with us personally! Have a play and see what you pay for this purpose, you need your work area covered you. Container or put it into a squeezy bottle / applicator of choice Resin. The underside: Multi faceted artist, petrol head, vinyl wrapping all the.. Maintain and fortify the qualities of latex paint instead of just thinning it you can use any of. All the paints or a different how to mix pouring medium when the non-metallic and the metallic paints meet bucks a. 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