Problems with Dracaena. While black, brown, or yellow discoloration on your plant may seem severe and threatening, but that may not always be the case. This method will keep the fluoride and chlorine away from your dracaena and prevent further issues. If your plant is showing signs of being too hot, you could try switching rooms or locations so it will not receive direct sunlight or become too hot. Young Dracaena leaves are brown to reddish brown with yellow halos. Why are the leaves of my Dracaena turning dark brown and dying? Brown spots on the leaves or pale, bleached leaves usually indicate the plant is getting too much light. Letting your tap water stand in a dish for 24 hours or longer will help eliminate any chlorine or fluoride before you water your plant. More often than not, if you find that your dracaena plant has a black stem, the plant will most likely have root rot, where decay and fungus that attack the roots. If your dracaena stem and leaves are turning black, brown, or yellow, it could be due to several contributing factors. It's definately a Dracaena aka corn plant. This website is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Continue reading for a diagnosis on why your Dracaena’s leaves are turning brown. link to LG Washer Won’t Drain / Keeps Draining, link to GE Dishwasher Won't Heat/Won't Heat Up Water. I have it by a window but has no direct sunlight. You should not overlook diseases in houseplants. Yellow leaves are a symptom of over and underwatering. Water your Dracaena when the top 75% of the soil in the pot is dry. Some plant owners will use a humidifier in a room with a dracaena plant to add moisture to the air. All in all, … Fungus issues are a notorious enemy of succulent plants, so keeping on top of your plant health is essential. Repotting : Repot the Dracaena plant once a year into a larger pot. You should not fertilize your dracaena for the first month that you bring it home to allow it to adjust to the new environment. Dracaena is a very common and easy to grow houseplant. While few problems plague this popular plant, brown leaves on Dracaena are fairly common. As soon as you notice the stem turning black on corn plants or other dracaenas, plan to take cuttings. Various reasons could cause your succulent to develop specific problems. The humidity in your home could be affecting the health of your dracaena plant. We Released The Dracaena HandBook GET IT » I can grow to be 5-6 feet tall and will add beautiful full, green look to your home. Anyone know at what is causing this and how I can treat it? Pests and diseases. Here's a little bit more about me. If you notice your Dracaena plants aren’t looking so hot these days, here are some things to check for: Mineral buildup. Stem and leaves turning color can indicate an underlying problem. I went to a local store, and they gave me some anti-bacterial chemicals. Treelike with single stems that host a cluster growth of leaves from each stem, Rhizomatous with stems growing underground and leaves on the surface. Why Do Dracaena Leaves Die? I have repotted it and cut back all the leaves until now it is just a stalk. The soil should have time to dry out completely before the next watering, and adequate drainage is necessary. Every now and then I found 3 leaves that were compeltely brown which eventually I pulled out, which I think is normal as new leaves grew . Since these plants like an average amount of humidity, up to 50% humidity is fine. The stem will grow a new branch at its new height. Foliar changes on houseplants occur occasionally. The Dracaena deremensis werneckei lemon lime plant has had brown tips for months too. Typically, the lower leaves are the ones that will begin dropping off first as the plant ages beyond a year old. There could be one or more of several reasons why the leaves are turning brown: make sure when watering (about once every 7 days) that the soil feels dry down to the first knuckle before watering again and that the water drains out without allowing the plant to sit in water (if there is a. Conversely, dracaena plants, if placed in direct sunlight or are in an environment that is too hot, will also suffer. Help! Problems with Dracaena. 3. They also suggested that the pot might be too small, so I transplanted it. You can either cut it at the base of the plant to remove the entire stem, or cut the stem to your desired height. Dracaena massangeana needs moderate bright light, protected from direct sunlight. Likewise there are several potential culprits, including fungal disease, … For more about this topic you can also check out another article we wrote about Dracaena Dragon Tree Leaves Droopy and Falling off. By following a simple care routine, your dracaena plant will thrive for years in your home. A few weeks ago the tall stalk seemed to be listing, so I decided to straighten it up. Discolorations on leaves and stems are your plant’s way of telling you it has an issue. The growth type of dracaenas will also determine the style of care they need. The Dracaena marginata plant, commonly referred to as the dragon tree, is commonly attacked by a bacterium that leads to stem and root rot. It may look hopeless after you prune it back, but with some TLC, you stand a 98% chance of getting your plant back. While it's fun and sometimes more cost effective to Do It Yourself. 0 comments. I'm the blogger behind In addition to all of the above, there are other reasons why dracaena leaves fall off and die soon (if measures are not taken in time). report. The reasons for a Dracaena with brown leaves range from cultural to situational and into pest or disease issues. If nothing is done, even the dracaena stems start turning soft and floppy. I usually wait till the top of soil is dry before I water it. The best place for a mass cane pot is near an east-facing window. If the roots sit in soggy, poorly draining soil they can suffer root rot. One additive called perlite can be damaging to your dracaena plant. It is meant to be an easy plant to grow. Fertilizer that has a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium ratio of 3-1-2 is ideal for dracaena plants. It is a fungal disease that thrives in moist, warm temperatures and survives in soil for many seasons. I got my first house plant, a dracaena marginata, at the beginning of December 2013. Cut off only the damaged tips, leaving the remaining healthy foliage on the plant. What to Do About Stem Rot of Dracaena. It can be grown in water or in a container of gravel filled with water. As a tropical plant, Dracaena needs ambient moisture and warm temperatures. I bought my Dracaena Marginata 2 months ago and I have been carful watering it because I know they don't need loads of water. The tips of my dracaena arborea are turning yellow and brown on the very tips. The affected leaves will mostly drop and the stem may become mushy and soft. I'm a homeowner and I'd like to do things myself. Fluoride toxicity can also come from potting soils with perlite or from using a fertilizer with superphosphate. Dracaena is extremely easy to grow indoors as long as you pay attention to a couple of details. Dracaena is quite flexi… ... Leaves can turn brown at the tips if indoor humidity is too low. If you notice that your potting soil has perlite in it, transplant your dracaena into specialized succulent soil that does not include it. If left without intervention, they can cause catastrophic damage to your dracaena, and it will eventually die. It is recommended that you  implement one, or more, of the solutions below, earlier rather than later. The first symptoms of fluoride toxicity are dark streaks and brown tips on leaves. Your Dracaena needs evenly moist soil but never soggy. The leaves are turning brown I think I needed to water it more!! If you notice the tips and edges of leaves turning brown, the humidity is probably too low. Overall, Madagascar Dragon Tree is really easy to care for. My botanical name is Dracaena deremensis ‘ Torch’ and I’m part of the Dracaena family. Their low maintenance nature makes them perfect plants in the home for even beginners who are not knowledgeable with plants. Overwatering is the number 1 cause of dying houseplants. Dracaena surculosa has glossy green leaves and white and yellow splotches over the leaf surface. Dracaena cincta. The potting soil should be changed out every two years or so to ensure optimal mineral health for your plant. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It helps to have a thermometer close by your dracaena plant if you cannot tell what the current temperature is. Leaves with less variegation, slow growth, and small new leaves indicate it is not getting enough light. Dracaenas are sensitive to fluoride, so it’s best to use filtered water. The leaves may turn brown or black and if the condition is not corrected, the stem may darken and die off. Dragon tree stems can be braided together or allowed to grow as separate stems in one pot. The Dracaena is quite well protected against pests and diseases. If you notice any yellow or brown leaves shortly after you feed your plant, examine the ingredients of your fertilizer and switch brands if necessary. Depending on where you reside, fluoride or chlorine added to the water source could be the reason your dracaena is suffering. Flushing the soil to remove excess fertilizer salts will also help prevent leaf damage. If you choose a cutting that has any root rot fungus still on it, you will have another infected plant growing. Back to top. They also suggested that the pot might be too small, so I transplanted it. Removing drooping leaves and brown leaf tips is the task anyone can cope with. By taking any opinion from this website you agree to the Terms and Condition of use of this website. Temperatures of 60° to 80°F (15° to 26°C) are the optimal range of atmosphere for dracaenas. ... My dracaena fragrans leaves are turning brown and its stem is turning mushy and soft. The stem will grow a new branch at its new height. All the leaves turned brown and the stem was hollow. From a black, soft stem, to yellowing or browning leaves, your dracaena is silently telling you what is wrong. If your LG washer has faulty problems like not draining water or keeps draining, something needs to be done. Rooms that contain air conditioners can produce yellowing or browning results in dracaena plant leaves due to drastic cold drafts. The yellow or brown discoloration will appear in the center and tips of the leaves, indicating an overwatering problem. I read that fluoride in the water can do this. As the disease progresses, the older leaves will develop lesions. Typically, the houseplant variation of dracaenas requires indirect lighting conditions and limited watering. If you’re noticing brown spots, often accompanied by a yellow outer ring around the brown spot, it’s a symptom of sunburn, which is caused by too much direct sunlight. Some sure-fire ways to tell that your plant is battling a disease is what symptoms it is showing you. The tips could be turning brown due to a build-up of salt or chemicals from the water. You can either cut it at the base of the plant to remove the entire stem, or cut the stem to your desired height. Some fertilizers could be damaging to your dracaena. I don’t want my entire plant to suffer. Phoxlystic Feb 9, 2019 4:24 AM CST. This week they've began dropping off quite rapidly and I've noticed that the smallest stalk (the first to lose its leaves) feels soft/mushy. Usually these telling signs develop over the course of a couple weeks to a month. Why are My Dracaena’s Leaves Turning Brown? Broken up into two main categories, these plants are either: If you are new to owning succulents, like the dracaena plant, research on plant care is needed. For the inactive growth period of fall and winter, there is no need to fertilize your plant. These tropical plants thrive in temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 26 C.) and can experience leaf browning in cooler temperatures. share. A homemade solution of baking soda and mineral oil sprayed on the affected dracaena can also help rid your plant of this bacteria. Read more articles about Dracaena Plants. Dracaena plants are highly sensitive to fluoride. Symptoms of yellow or brown leaves on your plant can be taken care of to ensure a healthy future for your dracaena. This plant is highly distinguishable from most other interior Dracaena, having a green stem and very tightly compacted clumping leaves that are only two to four inches in length from the base of the cane. Ensure that your dracaena plant is not overwatered. Dracaenas are very sensitive to florine, chlorine, salt in the water, or too much plant food. Let the soil dry out completely in the first one to two inches before the next watering. 2. Foliar changes on houseplants occur occasionally. According to the Plants of the World Online website guide, there are hundreds of variations of the dracaena plant around the world. Sometimes referred to as a “striped dracaena”, the warnekii has long, pointed, narrow green and white striped leaves and can be used as a table plant, bushy floor plant, or tall cane plant for home and office. Ensure you clean your gardening tools each time you use them with an alcohol-based solution to remove any fungus that could be there. Dracaena marginata ‘tarzan’ — Tarzan is unique not because of its color (it’s the same as the original dracaena marginata), but because of the shape of the plant. I have a Dracaena potted with two stalks, a tall and short. It is called a corn plant because of the resemblance of the stem to a corn stalk. While you can control the temperature inside, you cannot always help outdoor weather that affects your plant. You can also use collected rainwater or distilled water on your dracaena instead. When caring for dracaena water it not more than two or three times per week during the first 20 days, and then – once per week. Other Possible Problems of Dracaena. Damage ranges from moderate injury to plant death. Oftentimes, dracaena species have 1 main stem and a few additional stems. Again, varying my watering schedule hasn’t seemed to make much of a difference. Madagascar dragon tree, Dracaena marginata, has dark green, strappy leaves with a narrow band of dark red around the margins. The most common cause when Dracaena leaves are brown arises … Try to keep a regular watering schedule and prevent over-extended periods between watering. If you notice just the tips of your plants turning brown, it can be a sign that there’s a mineral buildup in the soil, such as salt. The tips of the leaves on my corn plant are turning brown. If the plant roots feel mushy and will fall off the plant easily, root rot is the cause. Let it get completely dry out too often, though, and leaves begin to turn brown, especially at the tips. I am native to Asia but was born in a nursery in Florida and am so happy to be going to my new home. The water evaporates and enhances ambient moisture without drowning the roots. Ask a Question forum: Dracaena Marginata Stem looking shrivelled. This will accumulate in soil from irrigation water and can cause yellowing of leaf tips and margins which progresses to brown as the toxicity builds up. Taking good cuttings is the only solution to regrow a new healthy plant. During the first four months the plant was beautiful and very healthy. Note that tips of dracaena leaves turning brown is another problem unrelated to overwatering: plant necrosis due to fluoride and salts in water. The mass cane plant, also known as corn plant or Dracaena massangeana, is a popular upright evergreen houseplant in the genus Dracaena.This tropical tree-like flowering plant is a cultivar of Dracaena fragrans species, hence its full scientific name is Dracaena fragrans ‘massangeana’.. The plants might grow slowly, but by propagating them, you can very quickly have a lot of them. If you are looking for a plant that will brighten up your home and does not involve complicated maintenance, the dracaena plant is the answer. ... Brown spots and crisp edges of the leaves accompanied by leaf curl and stem weakness are symptoms of underwatering. Which Dracaena plant do you have, D. fragrans or D. brauni? Eric. Hello! Why is this happening and how can I prevent it? That simply means that the plant is growing and giving way to new foliage. Some of these diseases can be caused by overwatering, while others are consequences of a bug infestation. The soil in the pot should have adequate drainage to prevent water sitting at the bottom of the planter pot for any length of time. Leaf edges sometimes turn brown when the humidity is not high enough. This plant from the succulent family is relatively easy to take care of, but some issues can appear, similar to other vegetation. The ideal temperature for dracaena is between 60 to 80 degrees. 3. Overwatering your dracaena can show multiple symptoms, including yellow and brown leaves or a black stem. Too many people are getting worried about the plant’s leaves: they start turning brown from the tip, and then the entire leaf becomes brown and dies. It’s never a pretty sight when your plants turn brown. If you are unsure if your plant has root rot, you can examine the roots by removing the plant from its soil. Even so, these hardy plants are relatively easy to take care of, and many species require virtually similar growing conditions. ... you can prune off about 1/3 of of the main stem. Planterina is a fantastic free, online resource to help you care for your many houseplants and keep them healthy for years to come. Even though it may seem like a chore, you need to prune off everything that is brown and mushy and replant that baby, ASAP! This might be a duplicate, but as it is not set as answered, I have decided to ask the question again and try to provide some more information.. My Dracaena marginata leaves started to brown, break and then fall off for about three weeks.. Sun scorched dracaenas are not as vibrant and beautiful as a healthy one. Do not keep your plant in a room near an air conditioner or open windows in the evening, or it may be receiving blasts of colder air. It is normal for the bottom leaves of the Dracaena plant to yellow and shed. They prefer warm, humid climates with bright but indirect sunlight. Healthy roots will be black or pale but be sturdy. Dracaena Marginata Care. completely dead/dry. Conditions below 55°F/12°C will cause the leaves' edges to turn light grey or brown. However, the ends of the leaves have been turning brown, and a number of leaves have turned totally brown. To stop further damage to your outdoor landscape 'm a homeowner and i 'd like to do Yourself! 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2020 dracaena stem turning brown