They prey on squid and small fish, with occasionally larger prey is also taken. They are found traveling towards Northwest Atlantic waters in the summer in the months of May and October; blue sharks also inhabit the Cape Hatteras to the Grand Bank off the Newfoundland coast. During these months, blue sharks are often observed in the Georges Bank areas as well as Gulf of Maine at a depth of about 30.5 – 39.6 meters (100 – 130 ft) off the southern New England coastline. In life, most sharks are brown, olive, or grayish. It lives as far north as Norway and as far south as Chile. It typically can be found as far down as 350 meters from the surface in more tropical waters, but will sometimes come close to shore in more temperate waters, where it can be observed by divers or people in boats. Humans generally have a mixture of fear and fascination when it comes to sharks. The average lifespan of blue sharks is 20 years. ABOUT US. However, they are inhabitants of deep cooler ocean waters in the tropical and temperate regions of the world. 1 Blue Sharks Are Endangered As People Use Them In Shark Fin Soup. This is rare, however, and their preferred temperature to dwell in is around 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A Shark’s Shark. The gestation period of a Blue Shark is 12 months. They’re often seen feeling on schools of anchovies, and will also gladly feed on mackerel, seals, turtles, squid, and even birds! However, with understanding comes respect, and sharks are no exception. If the food is scarce, they may eat for the larger fish. The is designed specifically for kids so that they get to know some of the most interesting & amazing facts about animals. The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a fish recognized by its colored slim body and it belongs to the family of Carcharhiniformes. Learn more facts about these weird and wonderful sea creatures of the oceans. The creature often floats on its backside, showing its brightly colored underbelly to airborne predators. The Blue shark has a sleek, tapered body specifically made for agile, graceful movements through the water. Sadly, they are also the most overfished. Hello! These sharks' broad, flat, hammer-shaped heads are called cephalofoils, and no other creature in the world has a head quite like it. Blue glaucuses eat large, venomous prey, such as the Portuguese man o’ war and the blue button jelly, and store their prey’s stinging cells in their bodies to later use against predators. Blue sharks are viviparous with a yolk-sac placenta, meaning they give live birth to many pups at a time. Like other species in the requiem family, the blue shark is migratory and ectothermic, and it gives birth to live young. A migratory breed, blue sharks are found all over the world, except the polar circle. However, sharks have replacements arranged in rows and a new one can move in within one day to take the old one’s place. It has a slim, smooth-looking body with large eyes, and a long, cone-shaped snout. The male blue sharks measure around 1.82 – 2.82 meters (6.0 – 9.3 ft) in length at maturity. One cool Blue shark fact is that they also tend to show a distinct hierarchy within these schools, and are segregated by size as well as sex – or, paired in groups of all females or all males. Sharks. They have deformities too just like humans. If the food is scarce, they may eat for the larger fish. Information About Sharks, For Shark Lovers, Sharks Of The World Have Added Some Strange Items To Their Diet, Blue Shark Facts That Will Not Make You Blue, 5 Interesting Locations That Different Types Of Sharks Have Been Found. Sadly speaking, humans kill around 10 – 20 million blue sharks each year in the name of fishing. $349.99. 10 Blue Shark Facts Say “shark” and the fearsome great white shark immediately comes to mind. Fun Megalodon Facts For Kids Interesting Facts About Carcharodon Megalodon. Males normally weigh around 120 lbs. The main foods for blue sharks include squid and small fish. This species is an open ocean (pelagic) shark. Find out more about these notorious fish (yes, they are fish!). The dorsal surface is a dark blue colour, and the belly is white. Get facts about blue crabs here. Interesting Facts About the Blue Shark Countershading – It may surprise you to learn that nearly all sharks have camouflage! LIST PRICE: $499.99. Fun Facts about the Blue Shark! Blue glaucus can grow up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long. One of the coolest Blue shark facts is that, though they are found off the coast of every continent but Antarctica, they have no set habitual area that they return to, and will swim thousands of miles to find food or for mating purposes, and can travel these distances within a very short amount of time. Blue sharks do not live in Antarctica. Sharks live in every ocean on the planet. More Interesting and Fun Facts About Blue Sharks. One of my favorite Blue shark facts is the reason behind its specially designed body. Blue Sharks can produce many litters. The fins of Blue sharks are sold to Asianmarkets and are used to make shark-fin soup. The largest of Blue sharks can reach lengths of up to 3.8 metres, and weigh as much as 206 kg. Thanks for stopping by for some fun Megalodon facts for kids!I’m sure if you have ever watched shark week on the Discovery channel, you know a little bit about this giant prehistoric shark. They are found living at a depth of 350 meters from the surface. 11 Facts About Bull Sharks. This species is also often the victim of several different types of parasites; for example, they easily become infected by the tetraphyllidean tapeworm by eating other hosts of the parasite. Divers often observe these sharks while they approach shore in temperate waters. Some of the most common predators of blue sharks are killer whales. This shark species have interesting facts and features. Blue sharks are curious, open-ocean predators that live throughout the global ocean, from the tropics to cold temperate waters. Blue sharks are light-bodied with long pectoral fins.Like many other sharks, blue sharks are countershaded: the top of the body is deep blue, lighter on the sides, and the underside is white.The male blue shark commonly grows to 1.82 to 2.82 m (6.0 to 9.3 ft) at maturity, whereas the larger females commonly grow to 2.2 to 3.3 m (7.2 to 10.8 ft) at maturity. It’s hard to see in the murky waters of the deep, but sharks have excellent vision. The blue shark has an appearance that can be described as the quintessential shark. This shark species have interesting facts and features. Blue Shark Facts Blue sharks viviparous and they give birth to 25 – 100 pups after a gestation period of 9 – 12 months. They are also found to litter as much as 135 pups. Countershading – It may surprise you to learn that nearly all sharks have camouflage! The male blue sharks measure around … Shark embryos attack each other. Sharks are one of the top predators of the oceans, and they can differ in shapes and sizes, from the largest whale sharks to the smallest dwarf lantern sharks. They are so named because of the deep indigo coloring on their backs and vibrant blue shades on the sides of their bodies. Learn more about blue sharks and their most deadly threat with these fun facts. The Blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a species of requiem shark. Blue sharks viviparous and they give birth to 25 – 100 pups after a gestation period of 9 – 12 months. The bright blue color acts as camouflage against the b… It typically can be found as far down as 350 meters from the surface in more tropical waters, but will sometimes come close to shore in more temperate waters, where it can be observed by divers or people in boats. The females can reach a length of 2.2 – 3.3 meters (7.2 – 11 ft) at maturity. Sharks have eight orders of classification depending on their physical characteristics. July 3, 2018. iStock. It concentrates mainly in latitudes between 20 ° and 50 ° north and likes waters with temperatures of between 7 ° and 16 ° centigrade, although it can tolerate warmer temperatures slightly above 21 ° Celsius.It fancies approaching the shores, where divers and boats see it often. Fun Facts The blue shark has large litters of 25 to over 100 young. Blue is a cool color, it’s the color of the sky and sea. The salmon, mackerel, and sardine fisheries are affected by Blue shark predation on catches, and entanglement in nets. How often have you across all these amazing blue shark facts such as blue sharks habitat, diet, reproduction, and migratory behavior? Blue sharks are not picky eaters by any definition of the term, and will feed on all sorts of different prey. The length of the young sharks measures around 35 – 44 cm (13.8 – 17.3 inches) at birth. Carnivorous Mammals. Great white shark facts 1) Great white sharks can be found throughout the world’s oceans, mostly in cool waters close to the coast. With an emergence of the spring season, large females are the first ones to reach northward and shoreward waters; they are then followed by smaller males and females. This shark is one of the few which migrates in something akin to a “school,” or larger group of many like individuals. Fast Facts: Blue Shark Despite its impressive arsenal of defense tactics, the blue glaucus rarely reaches more than 3 centimeters long. However, they can be found in a wide range of temperatures, 7.8 – 27.2 degrees C (46 – 81 F). They spend most of their lives far from the coast and are truly a pelagic species. Having be… Bull Shark Facts for Kids – Bull Shark Fun Facts and Information. Blue shark, also called great blue shark, (Prionace glauca), abundant shark of the family Carcharhinidae found in all oceans, from warm temperate to tropical waters. 3. Sadly, they are also the most overfished. •The upper and lower jaws of the shark are able … The mako and porbeagle sharks also appear blue, but are not nearly as brilliant as blue sharks. It dwells temperate, tropical and subtropical waters up to 350 meters deep. Recreationally, Blue sharks are considered a sport fish, and large individuals provide a challenge for fishermen. Interesting Facts about Blue Sharks. Facts about Blue Sharks 2: the large litters. The blue shark is a long slender shark, reaching 3.8 meters (13 feet) in length. Blue sharks are long, slim, streamlined fish with rounded, elongated snouts and big eyes. The Blue Shark, or Prionace glauca, is a shark that is typically found in very deep, cool waters. They are so named because of the deep indigo coloring on their backs and vibrant blue shades on the sides of their bodies. Get facts about blue crabs here. The bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) is a small hammerhead that frequents warm, shallow waters.It hunts crabs and shrimp—and sometimes it also … Anatomy and appearance. The Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) is a species of shark in the family Carcharhinidae and order Carcharhiniformes generally considered as requiem sharks.. We have researched some of the most amazing blue shark facts for kids so that you get to know all about blue shark. While moving quickly through the water, blue sharks feed on bony fish, squid, and carrion. Blue sharks occupy the temperate and tropical waters of the world. The blue shark has a weak keel on the caudal peduncle and the upper lobe of the caudal fin is larger than the lower. Their many rows of serrated, inward facing teeth and special gill rakers located on their gills prevent more slippery food like squid from escaping their grasp, and they will dive as deep as 1,500, if not more, in order to catch their prey. Blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a deep-water fish that likes swimming in cooler temperate oceans. Fun Facts About Sharks for Kids. via: It's related to the blacktip shark, blacknose shark, and spinner shark. And, unlike most benthic nudibranchs, this species lives throughout the entire water column. Blue sharks are commonly found in waters with a temperature ranging from 12.8 – 17.8 degrees C (55 and 64 F). The average litter size is around 30 – 50 pups. An air bubble stored in its stomach keeps the nudibranch afloat. Unfortunately, and possibly one of the most unfortunate Blue shark facts, they are also preyed upon by human fishing practices. While some of the best-known sharks (such as the fearsome great white shark and tiger shark) are very large, half of all shark species are less than 3 ft / 1 meter in length.. Blue sharks are not without their own predators, and often the smaller individuals are a meal for larger sharks like the Great White or the Tiger shark. It has a light-weight, slender body with relatively large pectoral fins. A migratory breed, blue sharks are found all over the world, except the polar circle. They spend most of their lives far from the coast and are truly a pelagic species. Depending entirely upon temperatures, blue sharks use different habitats within season. Facts about Blue Sharks 2: the large litters. The greatest proportions of blue sharks are typically found in the Middle Atlantic States. Many blue sharks won’t be able to survive for more than 13 years, and only a few ones lived up to 16 years. It is likely the most prolific of the large shark species as it is abundant throughout its range. Blue sharks are typically lethargic but they can move rapidly through the waters. Females give birth to live pups. It is a slim shark, with a pointed snout, saw-edged teeth, and long, slim pectoral fins. As mentioned before, one of the Blue shark facts is that the Blue shark prefers a habitat of deep, cool waters, making it an epipelagic species. On average, Blue sharks grow to about 12 to 13 feet in length, and aren’t heavy sharks at all, with the maximum weight being about 450 pounds. Blue sharks can litter up to 100 pups. The Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) is a species of shark in the family Carcharhinidae and order Carcharhiniformes generally considered as requiem sharks.. Probably their most distinguishing feature is their elongated pectoral fins – those are the ones at the sides. ; A shark’s sense of smell is 10,000 times better than a human’s. Fun Facts about Shocking Sharks. They are among the few Viviparous sharks in the ocean. They have a slender body, making them easily mistaken for the pups of other shark species. They do not often consume tuna. It is the world’s most wide-ranging shark, being found in all temperate and tropical seas, from 50° N to 40° S latitude. Blue sharks have electroreceptors concentrated in their heads. It's interesting to think that there are some creatures out there that can choose a mate based on their ability to light up the area around them. The common name comes from the blue color of the skin, unique among the sharks. Copyright © 2020 Welcome To!. Also known as the blue whaler, the blue shark is noted for its attractive, deep-blue colouring contrasting with a pure-white belly. The blue shark displays a brilliant blue color on the upper portion of its body and is normally snowy white beneath. ... SAMSUNG LU32R590CWNXZA 32-Inch UR590C UHD 4K Curved Gaming Monitor, Dark Blue … They range anywhere from dark to light blue in coloration, and even sometimes have several shades of blue on their bodies to make a gradient, with the darkest colors on top. 2. Not only sought after for their skin – both for means of leather as well as being desired for their beauty – they are also captured and sold for cooking purposes; for example, their liver can be used for oil, and they are also sometimes caught to be eaten fresh or dried. It is long and sleek with an indigo-blue colored dorsal side and is known for its long migrations and ability to swim rapidly. In life most sharks … Due to this, they typically will feed enthusiastically until they are forced to regurgitate their meal, only to do it all over again, making their hunger seem insatiable at times. Sharks are so tough, their embryos are known to attack one another. It’s true, many shark species have... Large Ladies – The females of this species greatly outweigh the males. Despite their torpedo-like shape, they are actually known to be generally lethargic, moving slowly in their travels to conserve energy. … They have elongated pectoral fins, triangular teeth, large eyes, and a conical snout. Due to the fact that the Blue shark will travel great distances for their food, and swim extremely quickly, Blue sharks tend to feed until they are close to bursting. They live as far south as Chile and as far north as Norway. It seems to be a sluggish but a highly migratory fish that has a deep-blue color on top and white underbelly. 1. Blue sharks primarily feed on small fish, squid, and some invertebrates such as pelagic octopuses, shrimps, cuttlefish, crab, and lobsters. 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